2013.09-2017.06 兰州大学 大气科学专业 获得理学学士学位
2017.09-2023.06 兰州大学 气候学专业 获得理学博士学位
2023.07-至今 新葡的京集团35222vip 新葡的京集团35222vip 讲师
1. Jia Z, Feng G, Zhang Z, et al. The abrupt rise of midsummer high-temperature days and surface air temperature in Southern China around the early 2000s and it’s influences on climate forecasts. Climate Dynamics, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-023-07087-w
2. Jia Z, Zheng Z, Zhu Y, et al. Predictable patterns of midsummer surface air temperature over Eastern China and their corresponding signal sources in ECMWF subseasonal forecasts. Climate Dynamics, 2023, 60:3005–3022
3. Jia Z, Zheng Z, Feng G, et al. The intraseasonal variations of the leading mode of summer precipitation anomalies in Meiyu area of East Asia. Atmosphere, 2022, 13(217)
4. 贾子康, 郑志海, 封国林.中国高温日数及南方盛夏高温分型数据集(1983–2017). 全球变化数据学报, 2021, 5(2): 130-134. Jia, Z. K., Zheng, Z. H., Feng, G. L. Development of the grid dataset of high-temperature days and types in southern China (1983–2017). Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2021, 5(2): 130–134
5. 贾子康, 郑志海, 封国林. 中国南方地区盛夏高温类型及其对应的大尺度环流和海温异常. 气象学报, 2020, 78(6):1-17
1. 国家重点研发计划:多模式集合气候预测方法和应用研究 (2017YFC1502303)
2. 气象联合基金:基于可预报性的汛期强降水过程集合预报方法研究(U2142207)
3. 国家自然科学基金项目:(41875101),(41875096),(41805060)